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Cat Ski Kyrgyzstan

29 December 2024

Cat skiing in Kyrgyzstan promises an extraordinary experience with its abundant dry Central Asian snow in the breathtaking Jyrgalan Valley. The massive Issyk Kul Lake creates a unique micro-climate, delivering significantly more snowfall than anywhere else in the region. Join us for an organized cat ski trip to Jyrgalan, where you’ll carve through pristine powder and spend your nights in traditional yurts. After a day on the slopes, unwind in a Russian sauna, immersing yourself in the rich culture and natural beauty of Kyrgyzstan.

Ice Bar Jyrgalan, Kyrgyzstan
#WT-CODE 147207

Ski Safari Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan, the place where it all started for us. In addition to our celebrated Ski Adventure trip, we will also be offering a Ski Safari. As always, a combination of winter sports and culture, for the adventurous, autonomous and curious winter sports enthusiast.


Ski Adventure Kyrgyzstan

The Kyrgyzstan Ski Adventure is our most famous ski tour. In 8 days we will explore the remarkable highlights of skiing in Kyrgyzstan. Don’t expect any comfortable chairlifts, groovy after ski pubs or ceasar salads. Get yourself ready for adventure, yurts and shashliks.


The valley of fairy tales, Skazka valley

The so-called fairy tale valley, also called Skazka valley, has not stolen its name: the sandstone rock formations capture the imagination of the visitor. Skazka in Russian means “fairy tale” and with a little imagination, is a place full of mystery. For example, go in search of dragons, a rhinoceros, a sleeping giant or the Great Wall of China. And don’t forget your camera: the rocks come in an infinite variety from red to orange and are quite photogenic. The valley is somewhat reminiscent of Cappadocia in Turkey, minus the hot air balloons. But that’s a good thing: little can beat that infinitely empty and blue Kyrgyz sky.

fairy valley
Amazing environment

The legend

Like Jeti Oguz, the fairy valley also has its legends. This legend is about the time when Lake Issyk Kul was not a lake. Several cities are said to lie at the bottom of the Great Lake, according to legends. Some of this is true, as remains of several cities have indeed been found here.

Long ago in one of the cities there lived a very beautiful girl. The girl fell in love with a seven-headed dragon, who then asked her to marry him. Unfortunately for him, the girl said she was in love with someone else and refused him to marry her. The dragon was banished to a well in the Skazka Valley and said that in revenge, at full moon, he would drown the city. Out of anger, he fell into a deep sleep.

The town’s residents came up with a solution. They would put a lid of gold over the well every night, at the full moon. Everything went completely smoothly until it was the girl’s turn to put the lid on the well. She had “forgotten” and water spewed from the well. Startled, the dragon awoke to its own power and looked at the giant lake that was forming. Standing at the site of Skazka Valley, he was in shock and turned to stone.

Today, the dragon as well as other petrified bodies and figures are said to be seen in the fairy valley. These figures would have been formed by the scene told above. In the valley, it is not clear where the dragon’s head begins and the beast’s tail ends. So good search!

Fun and practical facts about the fairy tale valley

  • Entrance to the valley costs 50 som. You can pay for these at the barrier.
  • If you go by private transportation, a car that can go off-road is recommended.
  • The rocks are so photogenic that locals from surrounding villages go there early in the morning to take pictures for their weddings, for example.
  • Sleeping is best in the surrounding towns. Of course, you can also pitch your own tent there in the parking lot. However, I can assure you that, the parking lot doesn’t sleep as nicely.
  • From the barrier, it is a 2-kilometer walk or drive to the valley.